主席卡拉汉's message about Pacific's progress report on diversity, equity 和 inclusion efforts



I am delighted to present our latest progress report on our diversity, equity 和 inclusion efforts, originally articulated in my 2020年8月通讯 (you can also review our past DEI reports from 2020年11月 和 2021年3月).

While t在这里 remains much to do, I am very proud of the advances we have made—together—over the past year, setting Pacific on a path to become a national model for DEI in higher education. Thanks to all of you for your exceptional work.

明天, 玛丽Wardell-Ghirarduzzi will become our inaugural Vice 总统 for Diversity, Equity 和 Inclusion 和 Chief Diversity Officer. Most recently the chief diversity executive at University of San Francisco, Dr. Wardell-Ghirarduzzi will be working closely with our 学生s, 教师, 工作人员, 学校领导, 评议, 社区领袖和 diversity directors appointed at all of our schools 和 colleges. We are thrilled to have her join us 和 will benefit greatly from her expertise, passion 和 caring approach to fostering inclusive communities.

Other advances since our March DEI report include:

评议: The Board of 评议 continues to diversify its membership 和 leaders. The five new 评议 include three women, two people of color 和 two LGBTQ+ members. The four executive officers starting this week include three women, two people of color 和 two LGBTQ+ members. Fundraising for the new Lift Every Voice Endowed 奖学金 for Black undergraduate 学生s, led by 评议 Chair Norman Allen, 现在超过了110美元,000. The first recipients will be named in the fall. Additionally, DEI issues are now part of every Regent committee. The Investment Committee has started re搜索 on how to include DEI issues into decision-making on the school’s investment portfolio 和 the Audit Committee has launched re搜索 on best practices at other universities.

University Committee for Diversity, Equity 和 Inclusion: UCDEI有35个成员, 由教职工组成, 教职员及学生, continues to advance under the leadership of co-chairs Marshea Pratt (工作人员) 和 Qingwen Dong (教师). UCDEI荣幸 学生教师 和 工作人员 Champions of DEI for their inclusive outreach 和 service. The committee’s DEI Dialogues virtual event series continued to draw local, state 和 national speakers on a wide array of DEI topics (DEI Dialogue recordings are available on the UCDEI网页). 与此同时, the committee is exploring a cohort model, inviting university stakeholders to join small groups for relationship building 和 discussions about all aspects of DEI.

教学领域: Dr. Dong 和 the UCDEI are working with the University Assessment Committee to develop 和 test DEI 和 social justice rubrics for course evaluations 和 assessments. They also are working with the General Education Committee to develop DEI guidance for curriculum development.

学生生活: 学生生活 efforts included a vast array of programs to promote diversity, equity 和 inclusion 和 outreach calls to 学生s to support retention 和 engagement. The activities included conversations around the escalating national violence against Asian/Pacific Isl和ers, weekly conversations focused on Latinx 和 Black 学生s, 和 Pride Week activities 和 workshops. 与此同时, the Women of Distinction Awards event drew 164 participants.

库: The DEI audit of our library collections, 在10美元的帮助下,UCDEI资助, is nearly completed (an update from April can be found 在这里). Members of the library’s DEI planning committee will share the results this fall.

人员: 黛博拉·弗里曼, director of affirmative action 和 equal employment opportunity, reported that in the first quarter of 2021, university new hires were 62% female 和 39% people of color. Among those receiving promotions, 57% were female 和 39% were people of color. The vice presidents also are now reviewing all employee exit interviews to identify trends 和 to develop new retention strategies.

公共安全: Public 安全 teamed again with Ombuds Hector Escalante 和 Counseling 和 Psychological Services therapist Carlton Oler to conduct more Community Conversations around DEI in law enforcement 和 building trust.

I am extremely proud of the Pacific community for all of these efforts. We have made meaningful progress in creating a more inclusive 和 representative community. But we are just at the beginning.

I look forward to seeing everyone back on our campuses soon!


